Scunthorpe Station
Temperature Range Average Temperature Lowest Wind Chill
6.1 to 7.5°C 6.7°C 2.9°C
18:26 13:03 05:03
Grass Min Temp Soil Min Temp Highest UV Index Fog
4.4 7.1 1.0 No
18:26 07:07 07:30
Humidity Range Dewpoint Range
73 to 80% 2.0 to 4.0°C
02:52 09:11 04:01 12:26
Highest Wind (mph) Highest Gust(mph) Wind Run (miles) Av Wind Direction
12.2 18.8 81.81 NNE
05:03 05:04
Pressure Range Snow Fall Deepest Snow Depth
1034.9 to 1036.4 None 0.0cm
14:07 00:00
Total Rain mm ----------- Highest Rain Rate Live
0.0 0.0